
Publié le par Campus-j


Along the way that leads to Hell,

I heard the deathly sound of a bell:

The hill was silent and so was the morgue,

Lonely was I with the howling dog.

Looking up I saw two moons,

And down was a flower that never blooms,

I walked the way that leads to Hell,

I walked though I was locked in a cell,

Nails pierced the side of my feet,

The side that was burned and started to bleed;

The smell of flesh disgusted my core,

My eyes were dry and began to sore.

I crawled the way that leads to hell,

My feet were burned and so I could smell,

While I was kneeling catching my breath,

I thought of my life and how it was a mess.

I heard the voice of the fallen wings,

Calling my name and saying my sins,

The guilt and blame tore down my soul,

Like a poisonous gas that tormented me whole.

I finished the way that leads to Hell,

Nothing to hear not even the bell;

I looked around and all I could see,

An empty darkness and a dark red sea.

I was hurt and so I was blind,

I couldn't see that hell was my hellish mind.

-Elina AL KARA

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